Burke is a young blue slate turkey, raised for meat. He was shy when he first arrived at FFAS, but now he loves showing off his tail feathers while strutting around the farm.
Stella is a broad breasted white turkey, raised for meat and just few months old. She was rescued from a turkey farm. She has been debeaked, which is an extremely painful process of cutting the beak to prevent cannibalism, due to the fact they are kept in such close quarters. Her feathers are in rough shape from being constantly pecked at. She was shaking from fear when she arrived at the Sanctuary.
Each turkey has less than one square foot to live until they are slaughtered at four and a half months old.
Burke and Stella formed an instant bond, and they can be found walking side by side all day long. They are so happy to be free. They follow us around like little puppies!

Burke and Stella formed an instant bond, and they can be found walking side by side all day long.